How many of us have given a situation to the Lord then under our breath uttered these words...
"vengance is mine...saith the Lord!"...secretly wringing our hands, waiting on baited breath for fire to fall from Heaven and consume the person we believed has wronged us? maybe that's a little harsh
Ever thought about what exactly his revenge might be? Think we may have a wordly concept of revenge? I think it's possible.
Obviously we see times in the Bible that God DID rain fire from Heaven and consume the enemy of his children( 2 Kings 1:10 Elijah answered the captain, "If I am a man of God, may firecome down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!" Then fire fell from heaven and consumed the captain and his men.). Which I think pretty strongly supports the argument that HE COULD take this avenue if He so desired. But, entertain the though for one sec that it's possible...just possible, that He wants to give them (the Offender) a second chance at life as well and the opportunity to learn a life lesson.
James Baker, (you know the husband to Tammy Faye Baker) was thrown in prison for his crimes. Is is possible that the cell he occupied was not only judgement from God but also his mercy? To a man that had been just that...a man, a sinner once saved by grace. Is it possible that his sentence not only cost him is freedom but granted it at the same time? Punished him for his past but allowed him his future? Is it possible?
My prayer~ God, Even recently, my flesh has desired some 'evening of the playing field'. For that I ask forgiveness. God help me to see your mercy that has not only been granted to me...but to those that have hurt me. I have no right to take alone have that right...and you chose to die for it.
Romans 12:19 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[a]says the Lord.