Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Kate's new room!

Since I have taken a reprieve from work (at least one job) until mid-January I decided to do some long overdue 'sprucing up' on the house. The first on the 'to do list' was Kate's room. The flowers, bees, and butterflies on the wall were mainly painted by Kate. I outlined them with black and that's about it. She is so proud!

The room is far from done...but she's happy!

More pics of the details...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Good-bye Old Friend...Hello NEW DRIVEWAY!!!

That's right friends...we are getting a 12 foot wide six inch thick CONCRETE driveway!!!
Details about the Driveway Party of the century coming soon!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Have you seen my yard???

Okay, I don't mean to complain but this is getting RIDICULOUS!!!

After the storm, the city cut a lot of the branches that were close to the electrical lines and just dropped them on the curb of our property (We have a little over an acre and the curb is on the longest side of our land). We were okay with that considering it will hopefully decrease the chances of outages in the future.

Then slowly the piles began to get bigger... and bigger... and bigger until finally we realized what was happening. People are DUMPING their debris on our curb!

That is my what is left of my six foot privacy fence just behind the piles to give you a reference in the size of these piles.

We know pretty much who is doing the dumping (someone on Kingsley, BUT NOT THE LONCON'S :)

Nothing really. What can you do? I could go yell and throw a fit (and by 'I' of course I mean 'Darren') but what would that accomplish???

Is it possible God is going to use this to help me witness to my neighbors? I don't know. Is this his way of teaching me tolerance or compassion? It could be.

My Prayer: Lord, I am so blessed. I have a wonderful peice of land that allows me to stretch my legs and enjoy your creation. Please don't let this bother me to the point of bitterness (and trust me...that is possible in my flesh!). Show me (and by 'me' I mean 'Darren and I') how to handle this. It's not the first time. Thanks for being God. ~Amen

< P.S. That's someone's barn...heheheh