Hello Everyone...Merry Christmas!
I love this time of year. What an awesome joy to celebrate the birth of Christ. He is good!
We are all great here. Kate spent the four days before Christmas with my Mom and Dad in Cleveland (she didn't want to get stuck here at the office all week!). They traveled to Dallas to visit Mark, Terri and Maresa as well as had Christmas day breakfast with Jeanie, Kenny and their three. Then the moseyed over here to Beaumont to have lunch with us. It's Kate's first Christmas to not wake up here with us. In reality, it worked out great because we bought her a bedroom suite from IKEA and needed to put it together before they arrived.
Darren is grateful for a day off from Deer Processing which is good business right now, but tiring. We've had almost 1100 deer come in this season so far. It's been a good season. Creel Investments is doing great; constantly talking with potential clients. Susan passed her Real Estate License Exam and is now a Real Estate Agent.
It's been a busy couple of months...and then there was snow! We had more than FOUR INCHES of snow here in Southeast Texas. Now before you starting thinking I'm crazy...please realize. I have never seen that much snow...EVER! So obviously Kate and Julio (from Cameroon, Africa) had quite a ball.
In fact, here's a video of Kate: