Monday, April 04, 2005

God has an 'after-word'

Isn't it good to know that God has a plan?

Jeremiah 29:11 says this:
I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

I have made many mistakes in my short little life. Some of them big, some not so big...but all of them choices. Choices that I and I alone have to take credit for.

Isn't it good to know that God has an 'after-word'?
He has a plan even after our mistakes. He has a word that is for you in your moment, even after you think it's too late, even after the day is dead.

Joshua 1 says this:

1After the death of Moses the servant of GOD, GOD spoke to Joshua, Moses' assistant:
2"Moses my servant is dead. Get going.

Wow, God didn't waste anytime...and He didn't beat around the perverbial bush.
Moses is DEAD! Get going!
Your old day is DEAD...Get Going!!!

My prayer: God, I choose to believe that my greatest day is still ahead, I understand that if I cling too tightly or pledge such a solid allegience to the old things in my life I might forfiet my opportunity to be successful in my new day. Please grant me the strength to not cower when I am uncomfortable in my -not so comfortable- new day. Help me to not draw a line in the sand and refuse to go forward with you. When the old things speak to me from the grave help me to turn my ears toward you again. ~ Amen

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