It is a DIPTYCH; which is a painting that spans several canvases. We saw one in a book and studied what it meant and examples of it on the internet, then I told Kate what I wanted (We saw one just like this).
We did sample boards and talked a lot about the strokes used and tried different techniques. Eventually, this is what she came up with. As she painted I told her to stop when it was what I wanted. The only thing I did was help her talk through some of the steps and then when it came to the layered dry brushing I did some because the paint was drying faster than she could do two layers. She is very proud and it will be hanging somewhere in our house today if you'd like to come see it in person.
Paint is a medium that she has not really explored. She generally uses fine point pens and markers because she enjoys doing the fine details (something that is significantly harder with paint!). This little experiment has really opened her eyes to the possibilities. We are so proud!
My prayer: Lord, Thank you for giving Kate such awesome talents. She is amazing to us. Please give her the confidence to pursue any dream she dares to dream, and show us how to facilitate those attempts. Let her never fear men or what they may think of her. Help her to find herself in you and you alone. ~ Amen
WOAH Nellie! That is talent if I have ever seen it! Seriously....I'm the teacher, and I can't do that...I mean wow, layering, spanning multiple canvases...wow. You have EVERY reason to be proud! (And it's cool that I get to claim her, too)Hmmmm, I may have to see about getting a piece for my office...does she take 'neighbor's requests'? Love you!
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