Thursday, December 15, 2005

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness...???

Okay so I am reading through the Bible in a year with the help of this blog I found and today I was reading in Micah.
This is the verse that jumped out at me. Micah 2:11
11 If someone showed up with a good smile and glib tongue
and told lies from morning to night--
"I'll preach sermons that will tell you
how you can get anything you want from God:
More money, the best wines . . . you name it'--
you'd hire him on the spot as your preacher!
I started thinking of how many times I have convinced myself that wanting something or doing something is okay because I adopted the preaching (that I preached to myself) that I deserve 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
Where does it say that in the Word of God? Doesn't it say that there will be 'Trials and Tribulations"? I personally think I need a swift kick in the behind...course, I guess God is probably doing that with this scripture...minus the shoe :)
So if you keep reading you realize there is hope for me (and you). Chapter 4 verse 13 reads like this:
13On your feet, Daughter of Zion! Be threshed of chaff,
be refined of dross.
I'm remaking you into a people invincible,
into God's juggernaut to crush the godless peoples.
Thank God his mercies are new every morning!
My prayer ~ Lord, Thanks for the swift kick in the pants...and the chance to start over again. I will do my best to keep my flesh at bay. Give me strength that only you can give...and watch me grow! ~Amen

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