Today was terrific. They all are. But this day was special for Darren and I because it was special for our baby girl.
Months before our trip I told Pastor Ron that Kate would be celebrating her birthday in Israel and that I was hoping to do a little something for her at the restaurant. Kate knew we were doing something for her at dinner. I was expecting nothing more than balloons and a small cake. A week or two before the trip I asked him if I should bring candles with me…he told me not to worry about anything. It was all taken care of. I remember thinking…:uh oh…it’s going to be big!” I was wrong…It was HUMINGOUS!
First we took a boat from the hotel to the restaurant with a panoramic view of the city of Tiberius. When we arrived, I realized that I had forgotten the candles. I told Dalit and she told me not to worry about a thing. Darren and I were excited…Kate was ecstatic! It got better.As we were sitting there watching the water, enjoying the fantastic food. The music began to blare and two waiters walked off the stage and on either side of our table to the windows. These floor to ceiling windows slid open and all of a sudden there was a BOAT headed straight for our table. Then without notice…fireworks began to go off! By this point, Kate’s face was in her hands…Everyone in the restaurant was clapping and singing, and the restaurant owner came over to our table and sang to her also. It was so much more than we expected. But it wasn’t over.
We kept eating, more than satisfied about Kate’s ninth birthday. Then all of a sudden, more singing, more dancing, and the restaurant owner came back to our table with a waiter holding

To top off the evening, Moody Sandberg, the Minister of Space and Aeronautics for all of Israel hugged her and told her Happy Birthday. He has a daughter turning ten in two weeks. He is very pleasant and very sharp.
We are blessed. But I have a feeling her tenth birthday will be somewhat of a let down.
P.S. Our luggage arrived late last night...boy, it feels good to have clean non-european underwear on (hehehe).
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