We NEVER felt in any kind of danger. We were treated like Kings and Queens (and Princess') but it is good to be home in our own bed.
My advice to all of you is to consider this trip for yourselves. It opened up the Bible for all of us (Kate was so inquisitive). The scriptures we loved so much before make me cry now as I read them because I've stood where He stood when he spoke them.
The food was fantastic and the views that you will see are more beautiful than I can describe. It is quite something to see the desert blooming as the Bible foretold.
We love you all and now I am going to take another nap :)
Here are a few last pictures to share ;)

PRon and Brenda Hammonds,
Amit, Noa, Miya, Dalit, and Roy Levy
Good friends of ours in Israel
(Dalit is one of our travel agents)

Kate and Dalit after she gave Kate her Star of David necklace.

What was left after Darren ate St Peter Fish on the shores of the Galilee.

Pron baptizing me in the Jordan River.
This was a very special, very life altering moment for me.
The last time I was baptized I was probably seven or eight.
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