Saturday, December 24, 2005

Our New Driveway!

It's here!
The driveway is in and Christmas morning we can drive on it (Kate has been riding on it all day!)

I never thought I'd be so excited about 42 yards of concrete! What's really funny is that the boys that live in the apartments are more excited than us I think! They've already picked out their parking spaces :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Kate's FOURTH painting...

This is BLUE VASE.
(We talked about how artist title their paintings)

Kate painted this for her Grandma (Darren's mom) for Christmas who is also quite an artist.

On this one she used blue tape to make the window. We talked a lot about doing the things farthest away first, so the sky through the window were first then the grass and tree and so on. We did a lot of practice boards and talked about dimension (for the vase) and layering (flowers over flowers).

She is really getting the hang of this. I dunno...we may have created a monster. I'm starting a 'starving artist fund' to faciliate the cost of canvas (it's not cheap!)

My prayer: Lord, help me help her. Her confidence levels soar when she is painting. Show me how to facilitate this. ~ Amen

An update:

We gave Grandma her painting at Christmas...He reaction was priceless and it made Kate feel like a million bucks!

Kate's THIRD Painting

Okay...Now I am pretty convinced that Kate may have found her calling.

She painted this dyptich for Luke and Belinda Bourgeois (great friends of ours) that recently bought a new home. Luke plays a killer guitar. So Kate decided to paint them a guitar.

As before, we did some sample boards to practice strokes

and she did ask me to help her with a few of the straight lines. She doesn't like for me to leave the room while she's painting because she wants me to tell her when to stop :) She even gave the guitar a shiny clear coating that makes just the guitar reflective almost, so it stands out as you walk past it and the light changes on it. It's very cool. Can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

I'm getting my driveway!!!

It's happening as we speak ladies and gentlemen...They are working on my driveway!!!
We have been outside watching them and I am making all the coffee they need to keep them going :)

Check back in a day or two to see the finished project !!!!

Kate's Second Painting - Ms. Reed

We are so blessed to have Ms. Reed as Kate's Resource/Library Teacher.
She is wonderful women with an unbeatable loving spirit about her.

Kate wanted to paint something for her and we talked about what it should be for weeks. We decided on Flying Books.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Riley Family

Tom and Jana Riley are the proud new parents (and I mean PROUD) of
Owen Thomas Riley.

He is the most beautiful baby...and I'm not being biased!
He was late...but I think his momma has decided he was worth it.

Born December 5, 2005
Weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz.

Welcome to the world buddy...
let the spoiling BEGIN!!!

This is his first Sunday to his Christmas outfit.

Friday, December 16, 2005

I bless you

Psalm 129:1-8
A song for the ascent to Jerusalem.
1 From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me
--let Israel now say--
2 from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me,
but they have never been able to finish me off.
3 My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows.
4 But the LORD is good;he has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me.
5 May all who hate Jerusalem be turned back in shameful defeat.
6 May they be as useless as grass on a rooftop, turning yellow when only half grown,
7 ignored by the harvester, despised by the binder.
8 And may those who pass by refuse to give them this blessing:
"The LORD's blessings be upon you; we bless you in the LORD's name."
Last night, I had coffee with a friend that recently learned she may have cervical cancer...again. She has fought and beat this once before. Needless to say, all the same emotions are flooding her thoughts, and with a new husband and the hope to start a family with him, there are new disappointments. As I was reading this morning, I read this Psalm. I love the first two verses.
1 From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me--let Israel now say--
2 from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never been able to finish me off.
It's as though the Psalmist is urging you to yell with him...he says the phrase and then basically says 'repeat after me'...Verse two may as well be in BOLD and CAPS with a lot of exclamation points at the end !!!!!!!!
Then Verse 4 explains why we are cheering...Because the Lord is good and he has cut the ties that the ungodly have used to bind us.
My prayer: Lord, My friend is worried. She's understandable concerned about her 'earth suit' and possibly fears that her past is punishing her. God let her cheer at this time. You are good. You have a plan. She has the opportunity to participate. It may not be easy right now but you have cut the ties that have bound her. Heal her God. Make every portion of her body be restored to the way that you originally designed it to work. You know her body better than anyone. I pray that this results in a testimony to encourage others in her future and proof that nothing is impossible with You. I pray that even if surgery and other invasive procedures are necessary that she will still see You working in many ways. Comfort her family, her new husband, and her children at this time. Be God in their home, may there be peace, joy and abundant wealth come into her and her household. ~Amen

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness...???

Okay so I am reading through the Bible in a year with the help of this blog I found and today I was reading in Micah.
This is the verse that jumped out at me. Micah 2:11
11 If someone showed up with a good smile and glib tongue
and told lies from morning to night--
"I'll preach sermons that will tell you
how you can get anything you want from God:
More money, the best wines . . . you name it'--
you'd hire him on the spot as your preacher!
I started thinking of how many times I have convinced myself that wanting something or doing something is okay because I adopted the preaching (that I preached to myself) that I deserve 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
Where does it say that in the Word of God? Doesn't it say that there will be 'Trials and Tribulations"? I personally think I need a swift kick in the behind...course, I guess God is probably doing that with this scripture...minus the shoe :)
So if you keep reading you realize there is hope for me (and you). Chapter 4 verse 13 reads like this:
13On your feet, Daughter of Zion! Be threshed of chaff,
be refined of dross.
I'm remaking you into a people invincible,
into God's juggernaut to crush the godless peoples.
Thank God his mercies are new every morning!
My prayer ~ Lord, Thanks for the swift kick in the pants...and the chance to start over again. I will do my best to keep my flesh at bay. Give me strength that only you can give...and watch me grow! ~Amen

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Kate's Guitar Recital

Kate has been playing guitar for about six months now. She really enjoys it and I have caught her more than once playing and singing to a CD in her room.

Today was her first guitar recital playing Praise and Worship in Chapel with her class.

As you can see from the photo, Kate broke/fractured/ serverly jammed her left pinky finger this last weekend and it proved a little difficult to play. Daddy teased her she could play 'steel guitar', she didn't think that was very funny :)

We are very happy that she is learning Praise and Worship songs. What a great talent to know as she grows in Christ. It will be a great tool to help her and possibly others enter into a deeper place with Christ.

My Prayer: Lord, give Kate a heart to worship you. May she always know the importance of spending time with You and studying Your Word. Let her heart be filled with the knowledge and wisdom that you can give and may she share it with everyone she meets. Let people see Jesus in her. ~Amen

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Real Aslan

Today marks the launch of a momentous full feature film that I am excited to go see; The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I love these characters (Susan is my personal favorite). Even Kate is now enthralled by this classic piece of literature.

The symbolism of Narnia is obvious to most Christians. Aslan giving his life in such a sacrificial way, the White Witch and her henchmen laughing at his apparent demise, and his returning to life. Isn't it good to know that you know the REAL ASLAN?

At this time in my life I am realizing the importance of my witness. I have not always been bold when I should. Fear of embarrassment, losing friends, offending acquaintances...All have been factors in my cowardice. Then there have been times that I have been bold even when I believed the message was not necessarily being accepted. But last year something happened that I will never forget.

I witnessed to a woman at my job (Lamar University) as I drove her to pick up her car. She prayed with me and told me of her current situations. There were no tears, no angelic appearances and I drove away praying that it made a difference. The next week she thanked me for being bold enough for sharing my faith with her. It had really impacted her, she was sincere in her thanks. I remember feeling proud that I had been brave enough to share and then the Christmas Holidays began. I would not see her again until January...So I thought.

After returning back to school in January, I noticed I did not see her on campus (she was a student). Several weeks went by and I just assumed that she had taken the semester off. On a weird excursion through a building that I rarely go into and past a bulletin board that had not been kept up, I saw her picture on a piece of paper.

She had been murdered.

The reality of WHY we MUST wittiness to people when we are prompted by the Holy Spirit became bone chilling crystal clear. I made a commitment to Christ that day as I drove to meet Darren in tears that I would NEVER pass up the opportunity to share my Jesus with people. After all, witnessing is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread.

My prayer: Lord, As I told you, I will not forget. ~Amen

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Kate's new room!

Since I have taken a reprieve from work (at least one job) until mid-January I decided to do some long overdue 'sprucing up' on the house. The first on the 'to do list' was Kate's room. The flowers, bees, and butterflies on the wall were mainly painted by Kate. I outlined them with black and that's about it. She is so proud!

The room is far from done...but she's happy!

More pics of the details...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Good-bye Old Friend...Hello NEW DRIVEWAY!!!

That's right friends...we are getting a 12 foot wide six inch thick CONCRETE driveway!!!
Details about the Driveway Party of the century coming soon!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Have you seen my yard???

Okay, I don't mean to complain but this is getting RIDICULOUS!!!

After the storm, the city cut a lot of the branches that were close to the electrical lines and just dropped them on the curb of our property (We have a little over an acre and the curb is on the longest side of our land). We were okay with that considering it will hopefully decrease the chances of outages in the future.

Then slowly the piles began to get bigger... and bigger... and bigger until finally we realized what was happening. People are DUMPING their debris on our curb!

That is my what is left of my six foot privacy fence just behind the piles to give you a reference in the size of these piles.

We know pretty much who is doing the dumping (someone on Kingsley, BUT NOT THE LONCON'S :)

Nothing really. What can you do? I could go yell and throw a fit (and by 'I' of course I mean 'Darren') but what would that accomplish???

Is it possible God is going to use this to help me witness to my neighbors? I don't know. Is this his way of teaching me tolerance or compassion? It could be.

My Prayer: Lord, I am so blessed. I have a wonderful peice of land that allows me to stretch my legs and enjoy your creation. Please don't let this bother me to the point of bitterness (and trust me...that is possible in my flesh!). Show me (and by 'me' I mean 'Darren and I') how to handle this. It's not the first time. Thanks for being God. ~Amen

< P.S. That's someone's barn...heheheh

Monday, October 31, 2005

Kate's First Commissioned Piece

Kate is commissioned! Granted it was me that commissioned her, but still :) By the way, she's very cheap! I got this one for only $5 :) This is a picture of her and her work (Autographed by the artist also).

It is a DIPTYCH; which is a painting that spans several canvases. We saw one in a book and studied what it meant and examples of it on the internet, then I told Kate what I wanted (We saw one just like this).

We did sample boards and talked a lot about the strokes used and tried different techniques. Eventually, this is what she came up with. As she painted I told her to stop when it was what I wanted. The only thing I did was help her talk through some of the steps and then when it came to the layered dry brushing I did some because the paint was drying faster than she could do two layers. She is very proud and it will be hanging somewhere in our house today if you'd like to come see it in person.

Paint is a medium that she has not really explored. She generally uses fine point pens and markers because she enjoys doing the fine details (something that is significantly harder with paint!). This little experiment has really opened her eyes to the possibilities. We are so proud!

My prayer: Lord, Thank you for giving Kate such awesome talents. She is amazing to us. Please give her the confidence to pursue any dream she dares to dream, and show us how to facilitate those attempts. Let her never fear men or what they may think of her. Help her to find herself in you and you alone. ~ Amen

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Things are getting back to normal

Kate is back in school now and has started back to guitar lessons.
(Thought this was a cute picture of her and her guitar that I took with
my new digital camera!)
She played the worship song "Here I am to worship" for me the other day.
She's getting pretty good at this guitar thing.

She also made a 100% on her spelling test this week!
(NOT her favorite course!)

We are still meeting with insurance adjustors and FEMA guys on
all the properties...but we have most of the major structural problems
taken care of on the houses. One will require a few more weeks of
labor to complete. Slowly but surely...we will overcome!!!

My prayer:
God, just a little longer. I need strength to get my family back to normalcy. Help me. ~Amen

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hurricane Rita Update

I just got internet back for the first time in over a month.
I just wanted to write and catch you all up on life here after the storm.

Hurricane Rita wreaked some pretty nasty havoc around here. Officials are saying that things will not be normal here for quite some time. We have electricity and we are doing fine, but many people are not in the same boat.

We lost two rent houses almost completely, but our house was untouched (except for the's a total write-off). I cannot tell you what it feels like to drive up your driveway knowing that there is a huge possibility that little or nothing of your house could be standing...and see it completely in tact. I was in tears; partially because I know I am blessed and partially because I know others who lost almost everything.

Things are still very weird though. There are things that you still cannot buy here...
for example, Foldgers coffee is hard to find, and I went searching for a pair of Levi 501's the other day and NOBODY has them. Most restaurants and businesses are either not open or have weird hours and have LIMITED menus, even Wal-Mart is not open it's regular schedule and it's been over a month since the Hurricane. There are long lines of people EVERYWHERE...for the most basic of stuff.

Many people are moving out of this area completely, finding jobs and such in other areas. We have three sets of friends who are not coming back.

On a positive note:
We've seen so much happen because of this. Our church was able to touch so many hurting people in our community, and most realized that we were victims too. Which made it even bigger when they realized that we were taking times away from our houses and lives to help them...they all of a sudden realized that there is power when you don't let yourself slide into the victim mentality.

You can be victim and yet not let it victimize you.
It made this whole ordeal a lot easier to take for me personally. I realized how blessed I was!

Threw some pics in for you to soon!

This is one of our area churches. Central Church on the Rock. This is actually the location of my church before we moved to our new construction. That is the sanctuary you are looking in on.
Pastor Ron actually preached there the day after the storm :) for all the military to see!

This is an electrical tower. Full size they look like the ones in the background...this one is bent almost into a ball.

This is the tree that fell on my barn.

This is Darren standing IN the tree that fell on my barn...I was sure he was going to fall out! I really didn't think that this particular picture was worth the possibility of broken bones...I guess he did!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

What you do daily determines what you become permanently.

That statement scares the hebby-jebby's out of me!

It true though.
What you eat today determines how you look tommorrow..and the next day, and the next month, and if you are really unlucky the next FEW years!
What you read today will influence you tommorrow. Conversely, what you DON'T read today will not be able to influence you tommorrow (e.g. Your Bible!)
What you listen to, what you think, what you believe...the list goes on and on

My prayer: God, make me aware of what I'm doing and not doing. I am taking an inventory of doens't look good. Help me God!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Think about it!

There is a reason why the windshield is larger
than the rear view mirror!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Revenge...just this once??? of hands...
How many of us have given a situation to the Lord then under our breath uttered these words...
"vengance is mine...saith the Lord!"...secretly wringing our hands, waiting on baited breath for fire to fall from Heaven and consume the person we believed has wronged us? maybe that's a little harsh

Ever thought about what exactly his revenge might be? Think we may have a wordly concept of revenge? I think it's possible.

Obviously we see times in the Bible that God DID rain fire from Heaven and consume the enemy of his children( 2 Kings 1:10 Elijah answered the captain, "If I am a man of God, may firecome down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!" Then fire fell from heaven and consumed the captain and his men.). Which I think pretty strongly supports the argument that HE COULD take this avenue if He so desired. But, entertain the though for one sec that it's possible...just possible, that He wants to give them (the Offender) a second chance at life as well and the opportunity to learn a life lesson.

James Baker, (you know the husband to Tammy Faye Baker) was thrown in prison for his crimes. Is is possible that the cell he occupied was not only judgement from God but also his mercy? To a man that had been just that...a man, a sinner once saved by grace. Is it possible that his sentence not only cost him is freedom but granted it at the same time? Punished him for his past but allowed him his future? Is it possible?

My prayer~ God, Even recently, my flesh has desired some 'evening of the playing field'. For that I ask forgiveness. God help me to see your mercy that has not only been granted to me...but to those that have hurt me. I have no right to take alone have that right...and you chose to die for it.

Romans 12:19
19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[a]says the Lord.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Do people see my Father in me?

I am:
Lillian's Grandaughter,
The spittin' image of my father
and when then day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I have a God that loves me
and He helps me to stand
It's all a part of me...and that's who I am

It's not hard to see characteristics of my mother in me...
I can see them even in myself, but I often wonder if people
can see characteristics of my father in me.

My earthly father, Royce Cooper, is an honest man.
You can do a lot of things to him but the one thing that will cause him the most pain is to be dishonest with him. I remember times growing up that I made wrong decisions, the ones that were the most difficult were the ones when I deceived him. He is also a hard-working man. The kind that just shows up and does what he is told! He is a great leader and an even greater servant, a quiet man, but a man of extremely high intergity. He doesn't mix words, and knows how to pray.

I want to be just like him. He is a pillar to so many. A father to more and a confidant and mentor. He is not a 'yes man', and will kindly tell you if you are in sin. He knows how to stand up to be seen, speak up and be heard, and be quiet when it's necessary.

My prayer~ Lord, let people see my father in me! I want to be just like him.
Thank you that he is an earthly example of what I need to be. Thank you for
my spiritual heritage and my moral upbringing.
Likewise, I want to be more like you as well. I have a long way to go. Give me wisdom!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My mother's hands

I looked closely at my hands today. They are looking more and more like my mothers.
What a compliment!

I used to look at them and think "man, Im getting older!", but I've come to realize that they look at awful lot like my mother's hands, and her's look like my grandmother's and that could be a good sign.

My mother is a mother among mothers. Deserving of a medal of honor for all the works she has done but unable to buy anything that would come even close to representing my feelings for her, I realized that the greatest compliment I could ever give her would be to be like her as she tries to be like Christ.

My mom is:
- A "mother" to hundreds, but specifically to the sixteen or seventeen souls that have lived with her. Two of those sixteen or so are "God given" (born of her womb), the others "God Sent"(adopted, foster, or just live-in's) were sent to her as a gift from God to cherish and love.
- She is "mentor" to countless numbers of people, most of which she will never see again in this lifetime probably but owe her a debt of gratifude for her "strong love" and caring hands.
- She is "teacher" to thousands. Past, Present, and future, there is no way to know how many people she has taught. English is her given trade of education and believe me, every college freshman that took first semester English quietly (or even a loud) blessed her name for making them read all those 'classics' in high school. If you were one of the lucky ones to 'clep out' of those english classes a kiss on her feet was not out of the question!
- She is "friend" to a great many of those same students now. She is faithful in her friendship and true. She is not quick to judge and struggles when she is let down.
- She is "professional" to the nth degree. It never ceases to amaze me how she continues to impress others. The moment I believe she is poising herself to bow out, she cannot. She is too dedicated to her calling yet gives God the chance to replace her almost yearly.

I vaguely see myself in my mother. Some of these characteristics are attainable in my future, some I don't believe I will ever be able to obtain. Perhaps the fact that my hands resemble hers is a sign that there is hope for me yet.

My prayer: God...let it be!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

People don't control your destiny

I was reading in 1 Kings today, when David is about to die and one of his sons (Adonijah) is trying to proclaim himself as the new king. He went so far as to have a big party for himself (his first mistake, and one of many).
Finally, Bathsheba goes to the King on his death bed and says...(I'm paraphrasing)" Sir, did you or did you not say that Solomon was to be king after you?". Then the prophet enters the room and tells David about what his other son is doing. Immediately, King David told the prophets to anoint Solomon and sit him on the throne. Long story short, Solomon's dynasty was considered much greater than David's.

Don't you know that in that moment (which could have been days) Solomon thought that he was done for? Everyone around him was proclaiming Adonijah to be king. He must have felt that God had forsaken him...or worse, that he had been replaced before he had the chance to participate. In the end God proved that men don't control your destiny. He does.

It has been evident in my life that I have a fear of men. Not what they can do to me...but what they'll refuse to do for me. I believed that I had to please all to see God's plan for my life revealed, as if they were in control. In reality, God just wants me to 'show up and do as I am told'.

My prayer: God, thank you that you are willing to steer this sometimes crazy life of mine. I fear on occasion that I am veering off course, but you never cease to amaze me when your gentle hands once again set me back on the path. I give you all and I promise to show up and do as I'm told. ~ Amen

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Whew! that was close

Well today has been an interesting day...or I should say yesterday (it's seemed like one long 24 hours!) Darren called me from a worksite. No big suprise...he does that a lot, but this time I could hear something in his voice...he was almost trembling.

He told me not to worry but he was experiencing a tightness in his chest. In a moment I paniced.
On the not more than 10 minute drive there (probably a little less since I know I was speeding), I thought of a million horrible things. Darren call's it 'what-if'ing'. What if this...what if that. When I got there we had to decide if he was going to go to the doctor or straight to the emergency room. Since his doctor was on the way (and much closer), we ran there. They made room for him and hooked him up for an EKG.

All is well. The EKG was normal and other test revealed high cholesterol, but that was about it.
He will have to learn to slow down and manage his stress better since it appears that it was emotional stress that caused the pains.

Whew...that was close...a little too close

My prayer: God, Darren means so much to me. In that moment, I thought I might be losing him. Today, the same as every other day for the last five or six years, I pray for his body. I pray for his lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, and brain. Lord, if there is anything not functioning the way that you designed it in your great wisdom, I pray you would restore it to perfect working order. Lord, protect his emotions and his thoughts. Let him never have problems focusing on the things that you call 'blessed'. Lord, You promised long life for those that honored their parents and I speak as a witness that he has done so. Please give him thousands upon thousands of more days on planet earth. ~Amen

Monday, April 04, 2005

God has an 'after-word'

Isn't it good to know that God has a plan?

Jeremiah 29:11 says this:
I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

I have made many mistakes in my short little life. Some of them big, some not so big...but all of them choices. Choices that I and I alone have to take credit for.

Isn't it good to know that God has an 'after-word'?
He has a plan even after our mistakes. He has a word that is for you in your moment, even after you think it's too late, even after the day is dead.

Joshua 1 says this:

1After the death of Moses the servant of GOD, GOD spoke to Joshua, Moses' assistant:
2"Moses my servant is dead. Get going.

Wow, God didn't waste anytime...and He didn't beat around the perverbial bush.
Moses is DEAD! Get going!
Your old day is DEAD...Get Going!!!

My prayer: God, I choose to believe that my greatest day is still ahead, I understand that if I cling too tightly or pledge such a solid allegience to the old things in my life I might forfiet my opportunity to be successful in my new day. Please grant me the strength to not cower when I am uncomfortable in my -not so comfortable- new day. Help me to not draw a line in the sand and refuse to go forward with you. When the old things speak to me from the grave help me to turn my ears toward you again. ~ Amen

Friday, March 25, 2005

A new photo album...check it out

God makes no leaders, He only makes servants … servants make leaders.

Wow...that's a powerful statement!
It's been ringing in my head for weeks now.

Here's another one...

in order to understand who is a leader and who is a servant,
one must follow the trail of authority.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Kate's Eight Year Old Pics

Many of you know that we have adopted several horses over the past year...I say adopted, really they belong to our pastor and his wife, but since they are rather busy at times we get to take care of them (the horses...not the pastors!)

Kate's responsibilities at the barn include haying, feeding, and watering the colts and yearling. She has become quite the cowgirl. In fact, with her birthday money she chose to buy a cowGIRL hat and RED boots (and I mean FIRE ENGINE RED!)

So we thought that it was only appropriate that since this is what she is really into right now, her eight year old pictures should reflect it.

Vote for your, two, or three!
We will have copies made for anyone that wants one based on
the poll :) (Kate can't decide!)

My prayer: Dear God, Let Kate always enjoy the simple pleasures in life that will allow her to see your handywork up close. Let her find her place in whatever you've called her to be. ~Amen

Eight Years Old Hat
Posted by Hello

Eight Year Old Grin
Posted by Hello

Eight Years Old
Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

March 23, 2005

Once again I am running like crazy trying to get my family in one place long enough to eat, chat for at least a minute each and then off again...this time to church. I hate it that life is so crazy that many times church feels more like an obligation than a service. I will address this issue later when I have more time...right now...I have to run. Ugh.

My prayer: God give me the wisdom to figure out some way that my family can slow down. We know how to make a living...We are versed at making a difference...but God I need a LIFE! I want to live life with my eyes wide open, not rushing so that it's mostly a blur. I miss my friends and their relationships, I miss my parents, I don't want Kate to grow up thinking this is normal.
God help me be creative in getting my family to stop...not even to smell the roses...just STOP!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I love my job...have I said that before? I really do!
It's cool to be able to do what you enjoy and get paid for it.

Even still, I do have dreams. Things I believe God will bring to pass at a future date.
Until recently I hadn't really spoken them aloud (kinda afraid if I said it they might not happen) but I realized that Jospeh had dreams...and he told people. Granted, not the RIGHT people, but he told someone. So I recently told my dreams to Darren (half afraid he might laugh, but he didn't!). He was very supportive, and even has begun to kinda push me into making them come true. It's a blessing to have a man of God for a husband.

I'm not quite ready to share them on the web for all to see...that day may come at some point...but not today :)

My prayer: God help me to tell the right people when you say so. Help me to not lose sight of them or get so focused on them that I don't realize that IF they come true it will be because You gave me the strength, gumption, and will-power to do them.

Until next time...Be blessed!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Cayla, Jordan and Kate
Posted by Hello

Kate's Baptism
Posted by Hello