Thursday, January 31, 2008

More Kate videos

She's getting so much more aggressive...we are so proud!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Heart Check

This is a SERIOUSLY AWESOME video...
PLEASE watch it...and see if your heart responds.

Thanks Jason b for sharing it on your blog!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Kate and Renee'

Renee is one of my nieces (my cousin Jonathan Raines' daughter) who lives in Morocco, West Africa. Jonathan works there. They came into the States for Christmas this year.

We had sent Kate to Mom and Dad's in Cleveland during the winter break because she was bored working two jobs with Darren and I. Luckily, Renee and Kate hit it off beautifully! They spent as much time together as they possibly could. They even went to NASA!

My prayer: Lord, Renee is beautiful! Her entire family is such a blessing to you. I pray you keep them healthy, happy and provide for all their needs as they are working out of the country. Thank you for the wonderful time Kate had with her. Family is so precious and I know Kate loved getting to know Renee. My their relationship and the time they spent together be a beautiful memory that they both cherish.

Kate's Playing Basketball!!

Kate has joined the Little Dribblers this year! and she is doing great!!!
At first she was very nervous since she has never played on a team of any kind but we enrolled her in a basketball basics class at a local gym and she has gained so much confidence!

She has had two games and her team has won both. The first game she was nervous and timid but the second games she shot twice (and almost made one of them) but was so much more aggressive (in a good way!)

Anyway, Darren and I are loving watching her play. At least she hasn't sat on the basketball yet (huh daddy!)

Here's a short video of her first game! I'll upload another one soon!

My prayer: God, sports were such a confidence builder for me when I was in school and though I know that they can also 'expose character' I think it could be great for Kate. Please let her have fun, stay active, make friends, build confidence and learn discipline and teamwork. I even promise not to become one of those 'psycho sports parents'!...but you have to help me :)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I would love to go to this...if anyone wants to go with me let me know!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Four Generations

Pictured left to right: Jennifer Cooper (my mother), Lillian Payne (my Grandmother),
Kate Creel (my daughter), Susan Creel (me!)
I'm so proud to be a 'baton-holder' in this family!

Kate got an Excellent at another art contest!
Kate latest painting is called Tree of Hope. It's a painting of a lone tree standing in a desert.
She got an excellent at her schools art contest.
Sorry I don't have a picture of it but it's hanging above my bed :)