I just got internet back for the first time in over a month.
I just wanted to write and catch you all up on life here after the storm.
Hurricane Rita wreaked some pretty nasty havoc around here. Officials are saying that things will not be normal here for quite some time. We have electricity and we are doing fine, but many people are not in the same boat.
We lost two rent houses almost completely, but our house was untouched (except for the barn...it's a total write-off). I cannot tell you what it feels like to drive up your driveway knowing that there is a huge possibility that little or nothing of your house could be standing...and see it completely in tact. I was in tears; partially because I know I am blessed and partially because I know others who lost almost everything.
Things are still very weird though. There are things that you still cannot buy here...
for example, Foldgers coffee is hard to find, and I went searching for a pair of Levi 501's the other day and NOBODY has them. Most restaurants and businesses are either not open or have weird hours and have LIMITED menus, even Wal-Mart is not open it's regular schedule and it's been over a month since the Hurricane. There are long lines of people EVERYWHERE...for the most basic of stuff.
Many people are moving out of this area completely, finding jobs and such in other areas. We have three sets of friends who are not coming back.
On a positive note:We've seen so much happen because of this. Our church was able to touch so many hurting people in our community, and most realized that we were victims too. Which made it even bigger when they realized that we were taking times away from our houses and lives to help them...they all of a sudden realized that there is power when you don't let yourself slide into the victim mentality.
You can be victim and yet not let it victimize you.
It made this whole ordeal a lot easier to take for me personally. I realized how blessed I was!
Threw some pics in for you to see...talk soon!

This is one of our area churches. Central Church on the Rock. This is actually the location of my church before we moved to our new construction. That is the sanctuary you are looking in on.
Pastor Ron actually preached there the day after the storm :) for all the military to see!

This is an electrical tower. Full size they look like the ones in the background...this one is bent almost into a ball.

This is the tree that fell on my barn.

This is Darren standing IN the tree that fell on my barn...I was sure he was going to fall out! I really didn't think that this particular picture was worth the possibility of broken bones...I guess he did!