Saturday, March 04, 2006

One thing I know for sure!

I am beginning to delve into myself a little now and have begun asking myself what I am really made of...what do I know for sure! Here's one thing...

I am stronger than I thought.

I have for some timed believed (or have been pursueded to believe) that I am not a strong person. I now beg to differ.
My personality has been characterized as friendly (which translated means 'weak'), submissive (a push over) and 'eager to please' (never says 'no'). I have always viewd them in a negative manner. But I have reason to believe that I am stronger than most think.

Let me think on this some more...I'll get back to you on it.

1 comment:

Christian said...

You are most definitely friendly, but I do not mean that as weak in any way. you are a peacemaker, and there aint nothin wrong there! But I must agree, you have been mistaken, as you are not what you thought. You ARE one of THE strongest women I know! You just have far more grace and wisdom about you than most strong people:)

love you, keep thinking on it, I'm waiting to hear more.........